I know how it feels
I know how feels to strive for something beautiful
2007 - Groenoord Zuid - Schiedam. This commission was issued in the context of the restructuring of Groenoord-Zuid. Part of it was to explore how residents could feel more connected to their neighbourhood and give it more identity. I talked to the residents and especially their children for whom I taught some workshops.
A group of three young people - Reflex - made music, they wrote a song about the neighbourhood that we recorded on a CD that was released. A child Iman always came to my workshops and visibly enjoyed it, she became the face of the neighbourhood for me, I modeled her and her sculpture was cast in bronze. The title of the song composed by Reflex about the neighbourhood: 'I know how it feels to strive for something beautiful' was placed as text in the existing street; coloured paving stones laid in the central road.
I know how it feels to strive for something beautiful
Everybody in this neighbourhood, everybody in this life
Every one feels at home
All of us together here in Groenoord-Zuid
I know how it feels to strive for something beautiful
Good results that what we count on
Young or old, it doesn't matter!
Pietje Tegenbosch wrote about this commission