Art is Love in Every Deed
Oijense Zij, Oss - 2002
'Art is love in every deed' (Kunst is de liefde in elke daad) is the line of poetry that has been incorporated into the pavement of De Oijense Zij in Oss, with colored ceramic stones. Paul van Ostaijen's poetry line is part of the project I realised for the municipality of Oss for this new housing estate on the edge of the city. It's not just any new neighborhood. The municipality engaged the famous urban planner Ashok Bhalotra to design De Oijense Zij. It has become a colorful neighborhood with lots of greenery and water features, beautifully situated in a scenic environment. I was commissioned to create a work of art along the axis that runs from the gatehouses to the island homes to strengthen the relationship with the landscape and the characteristic features of Bhalotra's design.
This work consists of different elements. The above-mentioned poetry rule has been incorporated into the paving of central road. The text is moving along with the working method of Bhalotra - in whose designs art, colour, spirituality and poetry play an important role - and invites the residents to look at their environment in a new way. The coöperation of the residents was requested. They were informed door-to-door about the artwork and were invited to reflect and cooperate in the concept.
One of the residents agreed to place a sculpture on the roof of his house, which lies halfway along the axis. A small boy now sits on the flat roof, peering over the neighborhood and the landscape with his binoculars. The end of the central road is at both sides marked by two sculptures. On one side a grazing cow in bronze on a small square, on the other side a black, aluminum statue of a stork, sitting on a lamppost. Both works are references to the meadow landscape that has made way for a new neighbourhood. Edwin Jacobs wrote the text Stories about this work when the commission was released.