Meeting / the signifying chain
- Time: a long weekend in December 1996
- Place: an exhibition room in Den Bosch by the name of 'Artis'
- Act: a female artist invites 6 colleagues to participate in a performance of 2 days. The composition of the group comes about by means of a chainreaction in which each of the invitees invites another person.
Participating artists (in order of invite)
- Anet van de Elzen (organisator, NL)
- Brian Catling (GB)
- Marie Kawazu (JP/FR)
- Boris Nieslony (DE)
- Zbigniew Warpechowski (PL)
- Kurt Johannessen (N)
- Kristinn G. Hardarson (IS)
Boris Nieslony after joining Meeting
8736 hours (around this) has one year and from this year was 100 hours (around this) looks like the event in Artis 30.11. - 1.12.96. In the future 8636 hours (around this) should be looks Iike the event in ARTIS and 100 hours (around this) can be quiet normal.
More, I like more of this kind of meetings.
Boris Nieslony